Joining the ranks of any profession is the same as committing yourself to learning an entirely new language, most of which is frankly gibberish. (TPS reports, anyone?) Design is no exception. So we asked some of our friends at design firms—including Pentagram, Ammunition, Huge, Ziba, Pensole, Google Ventures, Sagmeister & Walsh, and more—to define their favorite examples of design slang and jargon. The answers we received range from serious to tongue-in-cheek, but if you've ever been puzzled by a designer telling you he needed to "ideate a more approachable FTUX" or "add more value to that horsey megamenu," this resource should help you translate.
2x2n. The design world's favorite visualization of strategy. Typical axis labels include "high cost/low cost""emotional/rational""mild/wild" (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)

A bunch of numptiesn. A group of idiots. Can also be used to refer to placeholder elements on a page that have zero UX thinking behind them. (Source: Sam Weston, Huge)
A magnet that aquires meaningn. A design that gets recognized over times, and becomes associated with people's experiences. For example, your first MP3 player. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Above the foldadj."This term is about whatever content can be seen on a web page before the user starts to scroll. It originates from the print industry, where above the fold meant the top half of a front page on a folded newspaper. This term is disliked by many designers I know (myself included) because we know that although first impressions are very important, users will inevitably scroll down a page to see the remainder of the content. Also, the "fold" in digital is different depending on what device the user is on, so designing with a specific size in mind will actually do more harm than good." (Source: Natalie Be'er, Huge)
Add more valuev. Something a client requests when a project is already overbudget. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Approachableadj. Something super boring. (Source: Jesse Reed, Pentagram)
ASAP adv."This acronym really irritates the shit out of me, so I believe it means this: As Slow As Possible. Otherwise, why not give me a fucking date?" (Source: Eddie Opara, Pentagram)
Authenticadj. Something fabricated to feel like it was not fabricated. (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
Authoritativeadj. An antonym for friendly. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Big datan. A number, table, chart, or database that may be very large or very small, but is dependably very impressive. (Source: Alex Geller, Fathom)
Brainstorm sessionn."We'll get together and sell you our ideas in a casual group forum." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Celebrate v. In sneaker design, a way to say: "Make it look like the old shoe." (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)

Charrette n. Because designers don't sound pretentious enough already, so let's throw in a French word. (Source: Jake Knapp, Google Ventures)
Classicadj. A politically correct way of saying 'boring.' (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Clean adj. Example: I want a design that looks clean. Undefinable. No one exactly knows what this means. (Source: Mark Kawano, Storehouse)
Collaboration n. A project combining the inputs of multiple people. Frequently used in place of the traditional "client/consultant" or "employee/employer" title. Collaborator is seen as a more valuable relationship working as peers. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Collaborativeadj. Working with your partners, instead of just telling them what to do. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Collaborative processn. Client would like to make the decision. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Commercialadj. Something that works now, rather than when the product will actually come to market (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Contemporaryadj. A solution that is fresh and appropriate to the current marketplace. A classy, slightly longer-term version of trendy. The opposite of retro. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Contentn. What used to be called "writing." (Source: Carl Alviani, Ziba)
Cooladj. An adjective used to describe any color associated with blue. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
Creating an experiencev. Designing a banner ad you can click on. (Source: Stefan Sagmeister, Sagmeister & Walsh)
Crispadj. A design with tight edges and materials. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Critical Path n. The most important things you need to pay attention to in a design. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Data ink ration. If your information design were a car, this would be its miles per gallon rating (Source: Brian James, Fathom)

Decorativeadj. A four-letter word. (Source: Sagi Haviv, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv)
Design researchn. See: research. Adding the word "design" in front makes your focus groups seem less like total bullshit. (Source: Nate Bolt, Ethnio); Gluing innovation and collaboration together with some common sense and some flash cards. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Design thinkingn. Just a fancier word for brainstorming. See also: ideating. (Source: Mark Kawano, Storehouse)
Disruptive adj. A design that both changes the market and simultaneously references what currently exists. No one likes it. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole); Break some rules until we realize we can't really break any rules. (Source: Paul O'Connor, Ziba)
Ephemeraadj. A fancy word for printed material that has a short life span. Usually posters, brochures, or invitations. (Source: James Grady, Fathom)
Experiencen. The gestalt of a complete solution that considers the solution of a core product as well as all the surrounding context like packaging, messaging, and customer journey. Most designers see themselves as responsible for a consistent positive experience with a product or brand rather than resolving just the core product. Also called UX. Few designers would not see "experience" as their expertise. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Exploring notions of typographic instabilityv. "I'm putting the outlines of several different typefaces on top of each other." (Source: Stefan Sagmeister, Sagmeister & Walsh)
Familiaradj. A term non-designers use to say they like something. See also: progressive. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Fasteradj. Put more shit on a design. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Feminineadj. Anything tasteful. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Fit and finishn. Use this phrase to make it seem like you embody Apple's design principles. (Source: Nate Bolt, Ethnio)
Flat adj. Ugly. (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
FPOadj. An acronym technically meaning "For position (or placement) only." What it really means: stock photography sucks, please let us actually shoot this. (Source: Colin Murphy, Huge)
Frameworkn."A diagram that proves I am right." (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
Frankensteiningv. The combination of the best parts of multiple independent concepts into a single uber-concept. Beware this siren song. The sum is rarely greater than the parts. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Freshadj. A synonym for something that feels new. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
FTUXn. A vaguely profane sounding acronym meaning "First Time User Experience." See also: NUX. (Source: Mark Kawano, Storehouse)
Gating itemn. Something that prevents a design from going to market. Example: "We don't want packaging to be the gating item." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Gorillaadj. Typically paired with "research," gorilla can refer to any process that is done quickly or without a completely rigorous process. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)

Grilled cheesen. A menu icon represented by two stacked lines. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Guidelinesn. Telling a client exactly what to do—forever. (Source: Sagi Haviv, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv)
Hack v. A quick and dirty approach to problem-solving. To hack is to be a free-thinker and unafraid to break rules in search of the right answer. The cool new version of prototyping is hacking. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Hamburgern. A menu icon represented by three stacked lines. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Holistic approachn. Translation: "Let us do everything for you, we need the money." (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)

Horseyadj. Ugly. (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
I showed this to my (wife / husband / other)…phrase. "I don't like the concept, but would rather attribute the criticism to someone else." (Source: Todd Greco, Ziba)
Ideating v. Another fancy word for brainstorming. See also: design thinking. (Source: Mark Kawano, Storehouse)
Ideationn."Give me time to think about stuff." (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
In progressidiom."This means that we either don't like a design yet, or there are things wrong with it we haven't figured out yet." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
In real timeidiom. A solution that is developed on the fly without prior planning. This has a more positive connotation than saying "unprepared." (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Industrial chicadj. Unknown. Something made by wealthy artisans? (Source: Jesse Reed, Pentagram)
Infographicn. The same information that's in the text, but in a different font and with a lot more pictures. (Source: Carl Alviani, Ziba)
Innovationn. Not doing things in the same top-down bureaucratic way as you were doing them before. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Internal reviewn."We need to see what we've actually done so far." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Intuitiveadj. The "ideal" product interaction. Based on the assumption that there are built in instincts in all human beings that provide the keys to a product experience that is easy and enjoyable. Examples of intuitive interactions are often in fact just familiar. What may be intuitive to one person (based on his/her experience) may be counter-intuitive to another person. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Invitationaladj. A synonym for friendly. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Iterate v."Try another version, please." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)

Magical interactionn. Any design with magnets. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Makai target consumern. A nebulous, imaginary consumer who can be retrofitted to support anything it is that I'm saying at any given moment. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)

Make it look like Applev. "We have no idea what we want." (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
Make it sexy v."We have no idea what we want." (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
Marketern."A term I was once called trying to push through a bus shelter ad with very witty copy." (Source: Jesse Reed, Pentagram)
Masculineadj. Any design with straight lines and angles. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Megamenun. A dropdown menu with a ton of content. (Source: Deroy Peraza, Hyperakt)
Merch togetherv. Make it all the same color. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Modernadj. Something that looks good, but your client doesn't know what it is. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge); Looks like an iPod. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Multi-channeladj. An obsolete term people use when they mean "multi-device" instead. (Source: Sam Weston, Huge)
New materialn."We're still trying to find a spot for that uber-cool but expensive ceramic we saw once." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Not fully resolvedadj. "We're probably going in the wrong direction." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
NUXn. A vaguely profane sounding acronym meaning "New User Experience." See also: FTUX. (Source: Mark Kawano, Storehouse)
On-trendadj. A back-handed compliment similar to fast follower. Applying proven ideas rather than pushing forward. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)

Pain pointsn. Things that will be difficult for people. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Parallel pathn. "There's a difference in opinion. May fate shine on the winner in terms of schedule and budget." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Pivotv. Where a client spins around and becomes something else, like a ballerina! (Source: Eddie Opara, Pentagram)
Pop of color n. Literally anything that has color when other things don't. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
Problem setn."The things you already asked us to work on." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Progressiveadj. An adjective designers use to say they like something. See also: familiar. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Ragn. The edge of the text that no one but designers cares about. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
Rapid prototypingn. Quickly verifying an idea rather than assuming you are right, typically using a 3-D printer and Arduino. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Relevancen. The appeal of a solution to a particular user group. Companies find it especially difficult to maintain cultural relevance as technologies change. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Researchn. Something you should do, even though nobody will listen. (Source: Nate Bolt, Ethnio)
Robust solutionn."We think it will work." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Shaping someone's understanding v. Design that conveys to the audience the underlying strategy or message. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Sleekadj. The generic term for things that feel cool, modern, and or "designy." Frequently heard in focus groups as a positive. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Slow consumern. Someone who doesn't know what's cool. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Sloweradj. Put less shit on it. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Sustainabilityn. A wide-ranging term which captures all the philosophies on how to make responsible choices to protect our environment. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Synthesize v. "We're going to take what we heard you want, pick out the best stuff, and throw away the rest." (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Thinking outside of the boxv. What you did last year. (Source: Stefan Sagmeister, Sagmeister & Walsh)
Third read n. A solution that has been considered to a very high level of detail. The designer has considered elements that won't be appreciated by the user until they look at the product for the third time. Interest in this level of solution is seen as a sign of craftsmanship. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Tightadj. Well-resolved. A design that features perfect detailing. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Timelessadj. A solution that will not be embarrassing in the future. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
TMn.The process of trademarking a new slogan, name, or other communication to express a new approach to design-based problem solving. This cliché captures the design industry's thirst for invented words that describe innovative processes. The most desirable trademarked terms are mashups of two established concepts (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Too-pushed-onadj. Translation: you've gone too far. (Source: D'Wayne Edwards, Pensole)
Touchpoints n. Places in a design where something happens. (Source: Team, Ammunition Group)
Trendyadj. Typically, a dirty word in the design world, referring to a solution that appeals to the short-lasting whims of society. The opposite of timeless. See contemporary. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Understated elegancen. Something overpriced without too much explanation. (Source: Jesse Reed, Pentagram)
Universal Design n. The search for solutions that appeal to humanity as a whole. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Unsophisticated.adj. Ugly. (Source: Chelsea Vandiver, Ziba)
Up-levelv. To identify a more significant problem or opportunity beyond the original request. Up-leveling a conversation shows your ability to think big picture. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
User advocaten. Most designers seek to represent the needs of a potential customer and provide a counterpoint to the myopic point of view that is common within large companies. Related to experience design. (Source: Dana Krieger, Minus-8)
Voice-controlledadj. Something that increases your budget by a factor of 10. (Source: Todd Greco, Ziba)
Warm adj. An adjective used to describe any color associated with red. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)

White spacen. Those blank areas. (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
Widown. When a lonely word is left on a line by itself. (Be nice! Give it a friend!) (Source: Katie Henderson, Huge)
Wirelessadj. Something that increases your budget by a factor of three. (Source: Todd Greco, Ziba)
Wordmarkn. Not just a font. A special font. (Source: Sagi Haviv, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv)
What did we miss? Sound off in the comments or tweet at us using the hashtag #DesignJargon.